Back From Christmas Vacation
I wish I could say I’m incredibly recharged and ready to face the youths again. I spent a bunch of time talking with an experienced teacher of emotionally disturbed kids, and I really get the sense that the kids themselves aren’t my biggest problem, but the administration that doesn’t back me up.
Did I tell you? Starting on Tuesday, we have a new principal. I’m sure the transition will bode exceptionally well with the kiddies. Yeah right.
My biggest New Years resolution is to really buckle down and find creative ways to work with my students. (Over the past week I’ve had several dreams about them…I’m thinking I miss them.)
Tuesday I get to think up a new bulletin board, but for all to see: here’s what my class helped make for Christmas:
My students decorated their stockings with glitter and glue. And I promise you, I'll be finding glitter in my classroom until Easter. As a treat I bought all sorts of goodies from Costco to stuff in the stockings. The bad news was that plenty of kids didn't show up on the Friday before break.
Providence provides. I was coming up empty for lesson plans for Friday afternoon: you know, when most of the class has walked out, but you need to keep the last four students engaged enough so they don't stab eachother? So during a scuffle between two kids they ripped down the current board, seen here, and with a little fast thinking I had my students devote an entire 90 fuss-free minutes to cutting out a Christmas tree and making star-shapped decorations with the glittered initials of each student. It was brilliant and inspiring! We even sang Chistmas carols! So add "make more hands-on projects for students to work on" to my list of resolutions.